During our involvement with UBS A.G., we were contracted as a part of larger group committed to a development of a state-of-art investment robo-adviser. The solution developed relied on a sophisticated risk-model and AI-driven evaluation logic.
The system interviewed a potential client about his risk preferences and monetary resources. The profile created from the interview was subsequently sent to the AI module for evaluation. In deriving possible investment options from a created risk-profile data, the system was able to recommend a pool of investment funds which was then presented to the client.

Our consultant was tasked with developing the on-boarding process. When the functionality was ready, the team was tasked with building a risk-evaluation module in close cooperation with the risk-management analysts. The service which was created was very configurable and rigorously tested. More than 17,000 automated test units were created and the final results were presented to stakeholders and compliance officers.
The Intellectual Property created during this project was later sold by UBS to the financial startup SigFig in the US.